


Paper details:
REQUIRED RESOURCE: Merrill, Eugene. H., Michael Grisanti, and Mark Rooker.The World and the Word: An Introduction to the Old Testament. Nashville, TN: B&H Academic, 2011. ISBN: 9780805440317.
You must answer all questions. All your answers must come from the REQUIRED TEXTBOOK: Merrill, Eugene. H., Michael Grisanti, and Mark Rooker.The World and the Word: An Introduction to the Old Testament. Nashville, TN: B&H Academic, 2011. ISBN: 9780805440317.
Restate the questions to which you are responding at the beginning of each answers. Your answers must be direct to the point and very short. State the page from the required textbook each answer is coming from. Answers are not to be taken from other published sources or copied/pasted from electronic and on-line sources. Students failing to comply with this policy will receive a failing grade for the course.

1. How have evangelicals customarily defined the following: inspiration, autographa, and canon?
2. What are some of the ways God revealed what He wanted biblical writers to record?
3. Could biblical writers make use of non-canonical written records or oral tradition in writing a biblical book? Why or why not?
4. What is the significant of thousand-year period during which time biblical writers composed OT books?
5. What are the five prepositions offered in this chapter?
6. What are two examples of inspired textual updating?
7. What is the basic idea of “redaction”?
8. What kinds of redaction do evangelicals have concerns with and why?
9. Were biblical writers totally objective or given to bias (tendenz)?
10. Does any bias by biblical writers undercut the infallibility of the biblical books they authored?
11. How does recognizing the chronological agenda of a biblical writer enhance our exegesis of a biblical text?
1. What are the Hebrew and Greek etymologies of the term “canon”?
2. What early Jewish council was alleged to have dealt with the issue of the OT canon?
3. What is meant by the Antilegomena?
4. When was the issue of the extent of the canon settled by Roman Catholicism?
5. Define the term “apocryphal”.
6. How many books are in the Hebrew canon?
7. Name three of the five books whose canonicity was questioned by early Judaism.
8. In the Hebrew canon what is meant by the “Former Prophets”?
9. What is another name for the book Ben Sirach?
10. What is meant by the term “pseudepigraphical”?
11. To which book is Ruth attached in some lists of the Hebrew canon?
12. What was troublesome to the rabbis about the book of Proverbs?
13. Identify Melito.
14. List at least two criteria by which a book was tested for canonicity.
15. The order of the “English” canon is based on which ancient canon?
1. How can textual criticism be defined?
2. The most important witnesses of the OT text are written in which language?
3. Who were the Masoretes?
4. What is the Masoretic text?
5. Does the existence of textual variants undermine the authority of the OT text?
6. What is the contribution of the DSS to the field of OT textual criticism?
7. What is the Septuagint?
8. How valuable are the Aramaic Targums to textual criticism?
9. Which church father was especially involved with the Latin Vulgate translation?
10. What is the Vorlage?
11. Describe haplography, dittography, and metathesis.
12. How should a variant reading be evaluated?
1. In modern biblical studies what is the most common understanding of the term “critical”?
2. What larger philosophical movement spawned historical critical thought and method?
3. Who was the seventeenth-century Jewish philosopher often referred to as the “father of higher criticism”?
4. What was Jean Astruc’s contribution to the study of Genesis?
5. Describe briefly what is meant by JEDP
6. Who formulated the hypothesis of JEDP in its final form?
7. Name at least one conservative scholar of the nineteenth century who resisted the critical hypotheses advocated by most OT scholars.
8. What is the principal argument in favor of the multiple authorship of Isaiah?
9. What is the best response to this argument?
10. What is the major critical issue relative to the book of Daniel?
11. What is meant by “Form Criticism”?
12. Briefly define “Tradition Criticism.”
13. With what kind of modern criticism is Brevard Childs associated?
14. Who was mainly responsible for the so-called “Rhetorical Criticismn”?
15. Define “chiasm.”