
MATERIALS, CEMENT, CONCRETE COMPOSITES, mechanical properties, durability

MATERIALS, CEMENT, CONCRETE COMPOSITES, mechanical properties, durability

Paper details:
It is not simple issues. Complex issues should be a detailed. articles must be published in the following magazines originality. i am assit prof in university. i need orijinal academic research paper. i am civil enginner. subjects and journal list is below. orijinal academic research paper (i need) will be proper below list. ACI MATERIALS JOURNAL, MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, MATERIALS SCIENCE, FIRE SAFETY JOURNAL, FIRE AND MATERIALS, CEMENT & CONCRETE COMPOSITES, CEMENT AND CONCRETE RESEARCH, COMPOSITES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, ADVANCES IN CEMENT RESEARCH, CEMENT & CONCRETE COMPOSITES, CEMENT AND CONCRETE RESEARCH, Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, MAGAZINE OF CONCRETE RESEARCH