
Write a term paper on a Historical Biography. write a review of no more than ten (10) typewritten pages and compare it to at least three other sources on the subject (i.e Books, articles etc.). I chose to do my term paper on the book Spinoza: a life, by a

Write a term paper on a Historical Biography. write a review of no more than ten (10) typewritten pages and compare it to at least three other sources on the subject (i.e Books, articles etc.). I chose to do my term paper on the book Spinoza: a life, by a

Your paper should be divided approximately between a) A summary of the work

b) a critique of the work including comparing it to what others have written about the person you selected

c) placing the work within the historical debate on the persons role in history.

The following are some but not all of the questions your paper should try to

1. What are the main theses of the book?

2. How are these theses presented in the book?

3. Is the book organized in a clear manner? Is the argument of the book logical?

4. What are the prejudices of the author?

5. How do these prejudices effect the author?s view of the subject?

6. What are the author?s conclusions? How does the author?s own prejudices effect
his conclusions?

7. How does the biography relate to the times in which it is written ?

8. What effect did the biography have on future historical developments if any

9. How do other historians interpret the source its meaning and the authors intent ?

10. How does the main biography compare in its views of the subject with the other sources you have found and read?

DO NOT write the review by just answering the above questions in a 1 – 10 manner. It should be a well written and a clearly organized paper. Footnotes and a bibliography are required. You should use the MLA stylebook or the University of Chicago Manual of style