
Health-related analysis

Health-related analysis

1. In Ch. 10, we look at body weight and management. With that in mind, you are
going to be doing an activity which looks at some of the more popular weight loss
products. Please read the list of products and pick a product to research. After
picking the product, complete the form dealing with the product.
a. Name of product:
b. Forms of product:
c. How is this product used?
d. What are the promised results of this product?
e. What are the positive qualities of this product?
f. What are the negatives of this product?
g. What is your recommendation of this product? (Would you use it or
recommend it to your friends or
2. Analyze your lifestyle to determine what modifiable risk factors are raising your
probability of developing cardiovascular disease. List those factors and explain
how each increases your risk for developing cardiovascular disease. Describe how
you could modify your behavior to lower your risk of developing cardiovascular