
Criminological Theories & PTSD

Criminological Theories & PTSD

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(1) SCENARIO: a war vet with PTSD and paranoid symptoms who is the single father of a 3 year old girl jumped to a conclusion about a mildly retarded 17 year old boy possibly perpetrating on his daughter. Even though the daughter said it did not happen and the retarded boy said nothing happened, the vet did not believe him and schemed an evil plan to kill the mildly retarded boy. In this situation, which of these theories is likely fit this situation most and why?
(1A) Explain Social Control Theory, Social Learning Theory, and Differential Association Theory.
(1B) Research the criminological theories of Cesare Lombroso, Jeremy Bentham, and Cesare Beccaria and explain each of them in detail. Which of these theories best explains the behavior of the PTSD vet above? Support your answer with material from the theory itself.
(2) Identify, define, and explain risk factors, protective factors, and resilience with regard to juvenile crime and delinquency