
CIPD Assignment – CHRP- HRC

CIPD Assignment – CHRP- HRC

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EV/AJD Apr2014 approved

Background to Unit – Understanding Organisations and the Role of Human Resources
This unit considers the reality of the organisational context and environment within which organisations operate and asks you to identify the role HR can, and should play, in helping an organisation be successful. The assessment requires you to reflect on some of the content from the unit workshop as well as from your reading of programme materials and wider resources, making reference to appropriate literature in your answer.
The learning outcomes for this unit are that you will be able to:
1. Understand the purpose of an organisation and its operating environment;
2. Understand the structure, culture and functions of an organisation;
3. Understand how HR/L&D activities support an organisation.
Your task (AC 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.1, 3.2)
(1500 words)
Write an assignment in relation to your own organisation (or one with which you are familiar):
1. Explain the purpose of this organisation and its’ operating environment by:
? describing the purpose and goals of the organisation and how well these are expressed to both customers and employees;
? describing the products and services and the customer/consumer base;
? analysing the external factors that can impact upon the successful achievement of those goals (you should use a recognised diagnostic tool or framework such as PESTLEE to help you here).
2. Using models/ theories covered in your workshops and/or study materials and where relevant:
? describe the predominant structure for the organisation:
? describe the functions (or departments) within that structure (e.g. HR, Finance, Sales, etc) and explain how at least four functions work together (or not) to optimise organisational performance;
? describe the culture in your organisation or your part of it, referencing your culture to one or more of the theories covered in the workshop. Explain how these also affect (positively and negatively) the way the organisation operates.
3. Describe three ways in which HR supports (or should support) the organisation in achieving its goals and strategy and then go onto explain three ways in which HR directly supports (or should support) line managers in their jobs
AC 3.5: Development Plan and Key Learning Summary.
As you progress through the qualification, you should identify potential improvements and any further development needs and action to meet these, and then add to your Development plan (using a different font colour or other visual indicator).
Also, you need to reflect on your learning from each unit of your qualification, and add a reflective commentary to your Key Learning Summary. Submit this document with your Assignment for each Unit.
EV/AJD Apr2014 approved
NB: Activity 3.5 will not be signed off as completed until the end of your programme of study. At the end of the course you must submit your final Development Plan together with your Key Learning Summaries from each Unit that you have studied, in one document. This final Development Plan must also include at least three development needs for at least a six month period after you finish your course (these should also be clearly identified with a different font colour or other visual indication). This final document should be submitted separately to your final unit assessment submission under the DEP 3.5 Development Plan and Key Summary tab.
Please refer to your Personal Tutor for any further information.
Throughout the assessment, you should refer to best practice and relevant legislation where appropriate, and include reference to appropriate literature sources to demonstrate your wider reading. Demonstrating evidence of wider reading through appropriate referencing will improve your answer and increase the likelihood of your work achieving a ‘Pass’. Although a failure to reference properly would not, of itself, result in an assessment being ‘referred’, we would strongly advise you to get in the habit of referencing your work as you will need this skill if/when you progress to higher qualifications, as we stressed at the induction workshop.
Submission checklist
? Your 1500 word assignment; bibliography, appendices
? Development plan and Key Learning Summary

*This task should be only (1500 words no more –no less)

•    Total of Questions ( 3 Main Questions):

Write an assignment in relation to your own organization (Emirates Steel):

Important Note:
Please note that Emirates steel Company is an industry in UAE specialized in manufacturing steel, and please note that when you work in this report don’t mention Emirates steel, you have only mention the organization or the company don’t give the name of the company, but for sure you will describe Emirates steel in everything.

Another important note:
Please ensure to use variety of references, use reference of the CIPD materials as it is a CIPD programme. Don’t forget to do the work cited for each paragraph ts should be cited for example (Michael 2003), also the quote. And a separated page for the whole Bibliography used.

The Questions:
1.    Describe the organization’s position in its’ industry sector, its’ products and services, and its’ customer/consumer base:(700 words)

•    explain the purpose and goals of the organization and how well these are expressed to both customers and employees;

•    Analyses the external factors that can impact upon the successful achievement of those goals (you should use the table below).

external factors    Current or foreseen influences(2 or 3 points)    How this will impact on HR ( 2 or 3 points)

Political     •    E.g. political issue in Africa the impact on the Raw materials that we bring from there.
•    …..    •    E.g. we lose high quality of materials ……
•    ….

2.    using recognized and well referenced theoretical models :(700 words)

•    Describe the predominant structure for the organization:

•    Explain the functions (or departments) within that structure (e.g. HR, Finance, Sales, etc) and how at least four functions work together (or not) to optimize organizational performance;

•    Describe the culture in your organization or your part of it (the Role Culture), referencing your culture to one or more of the theories covered in the workshop. Explain how these also affect (positively and negatively) the way the organization operates.

3.    Describe three ways in which HR supports (or should support) the organization in achieving its goals and strategy and then go onto describe three ways in which HR directly supports (or should support) line managers in their jobs (700 words)