
Schopenhauer’s pessimism (ethical point of view)

Schopenhauer’s pessimism (ethical point of view)

Order Description

Interpreting Schopenhauer’s Philosophy of Pessimism
Schopenhauer and Kant – his evaluation of Kant and his ethics, and idealism
Schopenhauer and Hegel – criticism of Hegel and temporary philosophy
Willing and Suffering
The life of suffering
The will as essence
The life of willing
Leibniz’s best of all possible worlds
Schopenhauer and Leibniz
The worst of all possible worlds
Schopenhauer on compassion
Original goodness and original sin
Eternal Justice
The metaphysics of eternal justice
Problems and solutions
Eternal justice as a justification for suffering

Optimism and Pessimism in Schopenhauer’s Ethics of Salvation
Stoicism and the failure of eudaemonism
Negation of the will-to-life
Schopenhauer on character (Freud – Schopenhauer)
Transcendental freedom of Will
Salvation as optimistic or pessimistic (suicide)
Salvation as neither optimistic nor pessimistic

Essay on the Freedom of the Will, trans. in english K. Kolenda, Liberal Arts Press, New York, 1960.
On the Basis of Morality, trans. in english E. F. J. Payne, Berghahn Books, 1995.
Parerga and Paralipomena trans. in english E. F. J. Payne, Oxford University Press, New York, 1974.
The World as Will and Representation, Vols. I and II., trans. in english E. F. J. Payne, Dover Publications, New York, 1969.
Parerga and Paralipomena, Volumes I and II, ed. and trans. E. F. J. Payne.
Oxford: Claredon Press, 1974.
‘On Will in Nature’ in On the Fourfold Root of the Principle of Sufficient Reason and
Other Writings, trans. and ed. D. E. Cartwright, E. E. Erdmann, C. Janaway.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012. pp. 303-448.
HANNAN, BARBARA, The Riddle of the World – A reconsideration of Schopenhauer’s Philosophy, Oxford, New York, 2009.
JACQUETTE, DALE, The philosophy of Schopenhauer, Acumen, Chesham, 2005.
JANAWAY, CHRISTOPHER, Schopnehauer: A very schort introduction, Oxford university press, New York, 2002.
NIETZSCHE, FRIEDRICH, Schopenhauer kao odgajatelj, Matica hrvatska, Zagreb, 2003.
YOUNG, JULIAN, Schopenhauer, Routledge, London and New York, 2005.
Atwell, J. E. (1990), Schopenhauer: The Human Character. Philadelphia: Temple University
Cartwright, D. E. (1988), ‘Schopenhauer on Suffering, Death, Guilt, and the Consolation
of Metaphysics’ in E. von der Luft (ed.), Schopenhauer: New Essays in Honour of his 200th
Birthday. New York: Edwin Mellen Press. pp. 51-66.
Cartwright, D. E. (1998), ‘Nietzsche’s Use and Abuse of Schopenhauer’s Moral Philosophy
for Life’ in C. Janaway (ed.) Willing and Nothingness: Schopenhauer as Nietzsche’s Educator.
Oxford: Clarendon Press. pp. 116-50.
Cartwright, D. E. (1999), ‘Schopenhauer’s Narrower Sense of Morality’ in C. Janaway (ed.),
The Cambridge to Companion to Schopenhauer. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
pp. 252-93.
Cartwright, D. E. (2009), ‘Compassion and Solidarity with Sufferers: The Metaphysics of
Mitleid’ in A. Neill and C. Janaway (eds.), Better Consciousness. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
pp. 138-56.
Copleston, F. (1946), Arthur Schopenhauer: Philosopher of Pessimism. Andover, Hants: Chapel
River Press.
Fernández, J. (2006), ‘Schopenhauer’s Pessimism’, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 76
(3). pp. 646-64.
Fox, M. (1980), ‘Schopenhauer on Death, Suicide, and Renunciation’ in M. Fox (ed.),
Schopenhauer: His Philosophical Achievement. Sussex: Harvester Press. pp. 47-70.
Kant’s, Hegel’s, Leibnitz’ works