
Reverse Polish Notation Calculator ((Java Coding using eclipse)) i just need the code in word document format

Reverse Polish Notation Calculator ((Java Coding using eclipse)) i just need the
code in word document format
Design an object or hierarchy of object to implement a calculator that use Reverse polish notation(RPN)
The calculator should be able to accept input as a string and implement the four basic function addition, subtraction, multiplication and division . the output will be printed to the screen.

1 – Your written descriptions of the design of your object . what method you chose to include .what is the private data necessary for each object and the theory of how the input was proceeded .
2 – Clearly documented test cases that completely cover possible input from the user .Include the propose of each test case, the expected output , the recorded output from your object, And an evaluation of whether the test was successful.
3- Implement the unary operator to calculate the factorial and the binary operator to calculate the exponential You are not permitted to use the Math library provided with Java