
Faculty of Computing, Engineering

Faculty of Computing, Engineering

Birmingham School of the Built Environment
Module Co-ordinator:
Antony Taft
Assessment Details and Deadlines:
ALL Parts – Submit hard copy to CPE Office on or before 22 July 2015, before 19:30 and upload electronic copy to Moodle on or before 22 July 2015, before 23:59
Assessment Summary
Patch 1 – 40% weighting
Patch 2 – 60% weighting
1a. Students will receive a brief from the client, which will necessitate a detailed study to devise a Site Investigation and Soil Investigation programme for the site formation and foundation design of the development as well as evaluating different methods and purposes of site and soil investigations.
1b. Students will undertake a few tasks to analyse and examine sizing of strip footing.
2a. Students are supposed given opportunities to explain and analyse on a number of questions with regard to beams and columns made of reinforced concrete as well as beams and columns made of structural steel.
2b. Students will be provided a scenario and be requested for responses on a number of questions in respect of retaining wall construction. Following this, students will be required to examine and analyse the adequacy of a storm water drainage system as well as carrying out checking of retaining wall stability pertinent to the site.
(The total number of pages of the assessment shall NOT be more than 30).
Standard Undergraduate Assessment Regulations
From the start of the 2014/15 academic year, your studies will be governed by version 5 of the Standard Undergraduate Assessment Regulations (SUAR 5).
Under these regulations you are permitted two attempts at assessment for each module: a first sit and re-assessment attempt.
This means that you will be required to withdraw from the course if, following the reassessment attempt, you have not passed.
Cheating and Plagiarism
Both cheating and plagiarism are totally unacceptable and the University maintains a strict policy against them. It is YOUR responsibility to be aware of this policy and to act accordingly. Please refer to the Academic Registry Guidance at https://icity.bcu.ac.uk/Academic-Registry/Information-for-Students/Assessment/Avoiding-Allegations-of-Cheating
The basic principles are:
? Don’t pass off anyone else’s work as your own, including work from “essay banks”. This is plagiarism and is viewed extremely seriously by the University.
? Don’t submit a piece of work in whole or in part that has already been submitted for assessment elsewhere. This is called duplication and, like plagiarism, is viewed extremely seriously by the University.
? Always acknowledge all of the sources that you have used in your coursework assignment or project.
? If you are using the exact words of another person, always put them in quotation marks.
? Check that you know whether the coursework is to be produced individually or whether you can work with others.
? If you are doing group work, be sure about what you are supposed to do on your own.
? Never make up or falsify data to prove your point.
? Never allow others to copy your work.
? Never lend disks, memory sticks or copies of your coursework to any other student in the University; this may lead you being accused of collusion.
By submitting coursework, either physically or electronically, you are confirming that it is your own work (or, in the case of a group submission, that it is the result of joint work undertaken by members of the group that you represent) and that you have read and understand the University’s guidance on plagiarism and cheating.
Students should be aware that, at the discretion of the module co-ordinator, coursework may be submitted to an electronic detection system in order to help ascertain if any plagiarised material is present.
Electronic Submission of Work
Students should also be aware that it is their responsibility to ensure that work submitted in electronic format can be opened on a faculty computer and to check that any electronic submissions have been successfully uploaded. If it cannot be opened it will not be marked. Any required file formats will be specified in the assignment brief and failure to comply with these submission requirements will result in work not being marked.
Students must retain a copy of all electronic work they have submitted and resubmit if requested.
Learning Outcomes to be Assessed:
From the module document the following learning outcomes form the basis of the assessment of course work, which is a portfolio.
1. Identify and evaluate the different methods and purposes of site and soil investigations
2. Analyse and examine commercial foundations, retaining walls and trench supports, groundworks and temporary works
3. Calculate and appreciate the performance of the superstructure and the structural behaviour of the main elements in Civil Engineering
4. Examine and comment upon the influences on the design and construction of external works
Assessment Details:
Patch 1of the portfolio (Total 40%)
Question No.1 (20%)
You are a design engineer of a works department of the Hong Kong Government and responsible for the planning and implementation of site and soil investigation for the redevelopment of Cheung Sha Wan Flatted Factory.
The proposed development under this project comprises construction of six non-standard high-rise building blocks and a number of light-weight structures. Detailed project information is given in Appendix A of the portfolio.
The site of Cheung Sha Wan Flatted Factory Redevelopment is located to the north-east of Cheung Sha Wan Road. Fuk Wing Street is at the north-eastern boundary of the site. A key plan of the site is given in Figure 1 in Appendix A.
The site is separated by Tonkin Street into two portions. The two portions are approximately rectangular in shape on plan and measures about 1.0ha and 1.1ha. It is generally a level ground at about +5.5mPD.
Currently the site areas are occupied by five factory blocks. The Cheung Sha Wan Flatted Factories were built in 1963. The existing factory blocks were founded on concrete piles which were about 600mm in diameter and at various spacing with the minimum of about 1.5m. Minimal site formation works will be required after the existing factory blocks are demolished.
The MTR Cheung Sha Wan Station is located underneath Cheung Sha Wan Road and is adjacent to the south-west boundary of the site. The MTR entrance at Cheung Sha Wan Road and Tonkin Street are located adjacent to the site boundary and the MTR tunnels are running underneath Cheung Sha Wan Road which is adjacent to the south-western boundary of the site. In this connection, most of the site area is within the MTR protection zone. The construction of MTRC Cheung Sha Wan Station and the associated facilities as part of Tsuen Wan Line was completed in early 1980s.
Devise a Site Investigation and Soil Investigation programme for the site formation and foundation design and construction of the development.
Identify at least three common Site Investigation methods, evaluate the purposes of carrying out them as well as examining what key information can be obtained from each investigation method and identify the sources of the information. Indicate the location of Site Investigation to be carried out on the site layout plan with clear annotations.
Identify at least three common Soil Investigation methods; describe their procedures, apparatus required, kinds of samples taken, in-situ and laboratory testings and evaluate the purposes of carrying out them as well as stating their limitations. Indicate the location of Soil Investigation to be carried out on the site layout plan with clear annotations.
Question No.2 (20%)
Appointed by a consultant engineering company, you are involved in the geotechnical design of pad footing of a podium structure and required to examine and respond to the following problem:
What are shallow foundation and discuss key characteristics that shallow foundations must have in order to perform satisfactorily? (2%)
Describe the following: (4%)
i) elastic settlement
ii) primary consolidation settlement
iii) Differential settlement
Describe and discuss the methods of controlling settlement of ground. (4%)
Square footings are proposed to support the podium structure as shown in Figure Q.2. The groundwater table is located at the base of the footing. Apart from square footings, you are requested to propose other viable options of commercial foundation types for the podium structure and provide justifications to substantiate why they are considered to be appropriately used.
Figure Q.2(a)
Figure Q.2(b)
Patch 2 of the portfolio (Total 60%)
Question No.3 (20%)
Being a construction engineer of a contractor company, you are responsible to give a presentation for junior engineer in respect of construction of reinforced concrete structures and structural steel and shall prepared for answering the following queries:
(a) Describe with aid of sketches the construction sequence of a typical floor cycle in a reinforced concrete building. (3%)
(b) Illustrate a typical superstructure frame which contains beams, slabs and columns as well as discuss the construction of R.C. beams and columns in terms of load transfer mechanism and reinforcement details. (4%)
(c) Name and briefly describe any FIVE (5) common structural steel sections. (3%)
(d) Differentiate between a butt weld and a fillet weld with labeled diagrams. (3%)
(e) Why we should provide fire protection to a structural steel construction? State 4 common methods of fire protection to structural steel. (4%)
(f) Painting is a common method adopted for the corrosion protection of steelwork. Describe the three (3) mechanisms by which coatings provide corrosion protection. (3%)
Question No.4 (20%)
A case study on the retaining wall
You are provided a case study scenario and be requested for responses on a number of following questions in respect of retaining wall construction:
Discuss and illustrate any three types of retaining wall and the design consideration when they would be adopted out of the various options. (5%)
With the aid of diagrams, explain the four (4) modes of failures for rigid retaining wall. (5%)
Briefly describe the effect of ground water on the design of retaining wall. (5%)
For each design situation, concentrated or distributed loads which may result in forces acting on the retaining wall should be evaluated. Identify FIVE (5) common types of direct loads. (5%)
Unit weight of concrete, ?c = 24 kN/m3
Question No.5 (20%)
Drainage System Design
Describe the reasons why the road pavement is constructed in layers. (2%)
Name various layers constituting flexible pavement. What are the functions of the ‘surfacing’ layer? (4%)
Compare the two common types of bituminous materials: Coated Macadam & Rolled Asphalt. (2%)
What are the main steps for the construction process of rigid pavement? (2%)
Name the common methods to assess both of the structural and surface conditions of a pavement. (2%)
Calculate the size of the drainage pipes for the storm sewer system with details as shown below. The design tables Q8.1 & 8.2 are given below. (10%)
Given (Storm Water Design Parameters):
Runoff Coefficient, K=1.0
Time of entry=2 mins.
Storm frequency = 50 years
Minimum pipe size = 225mm diameter
Figure Q.5 – Layout of the storm sewer system
Table Q5.1 – Details of the storm sewer system
Table Q5.2 – Design Table for storm sewer pipes system
Assessment Criteria:
Table of Assessment Criteria and Associated Grading Criteria
0 – 29%
No understanding demonstrated with fundamental errors present.
Assignment requirements may not be met or content may be unduly derivative of other sources.
Disorganised with no apparent structure. Wholly descriptive or inappropriately subjective, and even then with substantial errors. It may show a disregard for the published word count or equivalent.
Little or no attempt at analysis and no evidence that a sound conclusion has been drawn.
Poor written expression and layout with frequent grammatical and typographical (spelling and misuse or words) errors.
No sources identified in the text and/or no reference list. Where sources have been consulted, likely to be inappropriate, irrelevant, or copied. Where plagiarism is suspected, a mark of 0 will be awarded and disciplinary proceedings commenced.
30 – 39%
Inadequate depth to the answer. Incorrect or irrelevant material included with poor or unclear structure.
Some very basic understanding shown but still likely to be entirely descriptive and failing to properly address the questions posed in the assignment guidance.
Sources not identified or largely inappropriate or irrelevant.
40 – 49%
Learning outcomes satisfied with basic coverage of material relevant to topic but of an overly descriptive nature and with significant errors, inaccuracies or misunderstanding.
Basic structure in place including an introduction and conclusion but lacking clarity or logic in flow or argument. Where a conclusion is present it may be poor, not drawing from or not supported by previous discussion.
Attempts to develop ideas, but with points not fully explained or justified.
Adequate presentation, but with some carelessness in grammar, spelling or style.
Referencing style inconsistent and sparse. Incomplete bibliography. Harvard approach not correctly used.
50 – 59%
An essentially sound answer which demonstrates a reasonable conceptual understanding. However, some errors are still likely to be present.
Competently written, but limited and restricted in scope.
Straightforward in its understanding of topic, showing an unquestioning approach rather than a more sophisticated or critical one.
Central issues addressed but lacking awareness of wider frame of reference.
Sufficient reading but a tendency to reproduce ideas uncritically and to be descriptive in style.
60 – 69%
Good coverage of relevant and appropriate material showing evidence of independence of thought.
Well constructed framework with clearly articulated structure and an effective introduction and conclusion. Signposting provided to direct the reader through the paper.
Sensible debate with most points developed and justified. A full response, which demonstrates an attempt to engage in comment and discussion and shows knowledge and understanding of the issues, although unlikely to fully consider the wider context.
Effective presentation with few significant errors in grammar, spelling, layout or style.
Sound range of sources used with largely correct referencing.
70 – 79%
Distinctive in originality, liveliness, and enthusiasm.
Comprehensive coverage of directly relevant material. Highly effective approach based on thorough research, an ability to synthesise material, and evidence of wider reading.
Very clearly articulated structure with full introduction and robust conclusion which draws together the main issues. An effective framework which enables the smooth flow of ideas.
Discursive approach, which engages in a full and reasoned debate around the theme of the question. All important points justified. At higher levels there will be critical thinking clearly and consistently evident, although this may be considered less essential at Level 4.
Communicated effectively with appropriate language, impeccable presentation, and polished and reader-friendly style/layout.
Harvard style used throughout with a full and correctly presented reference list.
80 – 100%
Outstanding context which addresses the question in an exemplary manner, with a logical, clear and coherent structure which marshals a wide range of evidence.
At higher levels excellent skills of synthesis and critical analysis will also be demonstrated.
Submission Details:
Work be submitted by hardcopy and Moodle upload. For electronic submission PDF file format (converted type) is required for all elements of the submission.
The total number of pages of the assessment shall NOT be more than 30.
The notional hours that a typical student would be expected to take to pass this assignment is 20 hours and 28 hours for Patch 1 and Patch 2 respectively.
Feedback will be provided for each assessment in two froms. General feedback will be given as a moodle forum statement for each task and individual feedback will be available as a marked up assignment available on moodle.
Marks and Feedback on your work will normally be provided within 20 working days of its submission deadline.
Site and Soil Investigation Layout Plan

Assignment: Discussion Board

Purpose:  Discussion of topics related to Evidence and Practice

Course Objectives: All

Because the learning method is in an on-line environment, discussions are an important aspect of the course. In this course, the professor will post some questions for discussion. You should respond to the professor’s postings and three peer postings within the timeframes in the next paragraph. Your responses should be substantive and reflect your analysis, critical thinking, thoughts and opinions related to the topic. Resources (i.e. publications, peer review journals, etc.) should be used to support your response, and your posting should not be an analysis or report of the resource.  Using references other than those provided by the professor will assist you in broadening your knowledge about the discussion topics, therefore, you must use at least two scholarly peer-reviewed journal for each posting other than the assigned textbooks, internet readings, websites or assigned articles/documents from this course. Please assure that your discussions remain on topic and are 350 words or less.

The discussion week is Saturday (12:01 AM EDT) through Friday (11:59 PM EDT) except for Week 1.
On specified weeks there will be one or two weekly topic questions to be discussed. You are expected to respond to the question(s) with an initial posting by Monday at 11:59 PM (EST) of the week of the discussion (except for week 1). Do NOT respond to your peers during this initial posting period.  After the initial posting period ends on Monday at 11:59 pm (EST), you may then respond to your required peers. You are to respond to a minimum of three of your peers after 11:59 PM (EST) on Monday through Friday at 11:59 PM (EST) of the week of the discussion. You must be in the discussion classroom a minimum of four days per week. (The purpose of these assigned times is to allow all students the opportunity to reply to the initial questions and to provide the opportunity to reply to peers). Responding to the professor is not counted as a response to peers. One point will be deducted if the initial post is late unless instructor is notified.

If there is more than one discussion group, please respond to your designated group only.
NSG 5111 Rubric:  (18 points)
Discussion Board
No response or not meeting below criteria    0
Single entry per discussion question; no interaction with other participants’ posting is evident.  Does not answer within the specified time frame.      1
The response builds on the ideas of other participants and digs deeper into discussion questions or issues.  A minimum of one interaction with another classmate.     2
Answers within the specified timeframe and participates in the discussion board at least four separate days per week.  The responses integrate multiple views and shows value as a seed for reflection by including other participants’ views and a minimum of one cited reference from professional texts or journals (other than those assigned in this course) per posting.  A minimum of three interactions with classmates.    3

The highest potential points for each Discussion Board are 3-points for a possible total of 18 points.  This is based on six discussion questions.

201530/NSG 5111 Evidence and Practice2015/012915
NSU College of Nursing
Assignments and Activities Schedule

Assignment 2: Scholarly Paper: Initiate the Steps of Evidence Based Practice (30 points)

The purpose of the assignment is to identify a clinical practice based problem/topic amenable to interventions based upon evidence.

1.    Evaluate interdisciplinary evidence for translation into practice.

Directions and Assignment Elements: Construct a scholarly paper using the following as headings
1. Select a relevant clinical practice based problem/topic.
2. Describe the current clinical practice based problem/topic and population of interest. Include background information.
3. Search the literature for three (3) evidence-based interventions on the problem/topic of interest. The literature can be individual studies or systematic reviews. A systematic review counts as one (1) intervention. If using a systematic review, report on the review, not on the studies identified in the review. All of the studies
MUST be intervention studies. Review what constitutes an intervention study.
4. Identify the databases (e.g., CINAHL, Medline) and key terms that you used in initiating the collective search for all of the studies (not each study).
5. Report on the evidence found in the literature.
6.  Write the PICOT question in sentence form using the following format
P = Population – who does this problem primarily effect (i.e. Nurses, patients, families, etc.)?
I = Intervention or issue interest – what is the proposed intervention identified in the literature as best practice?
C = Comparison intervention or comparison group – what is the current practice? Compare the best practice intervention identified in the literature with the current practice.
O = Outcome – how would you determine if the change/implementation has been effective?
T = Time – how long would the new change/intervention need to be in effect before you anticipate evaluating the outcome?
The question must reflect an issue or intervention within the discipline of nursing (not medicine).  This means the question must be about something nurses have authority over, not something that is prescribed and/or carried out by physicians or another discipline.  Interdisciplinary interventions are encouraged.

Example of a PICOT Question and PICOT template can be found on Appendix B p. 493 or the accompanying CD in the Melynk & Fineout-Overholt (2011) text. Page numbers may vary depending on the books edition you are using (i.e. 2nd edition or 3rd edition).

The assignment is due according to the date posted in the Activities and Assignments guide. Limit the paper to no more than two-three (2-3) pages, excluding title and reference pages. Follow APA 6th edition format. Assignments turned in late without previous approval or notification will receive a 10 point deduction for every day the assignment is late. See rubric for the assignment. Name the assignment as follows: NSG 5111_assign2_your last name, first initial

201530/NSG 5111 Evidence and Practice2015/012915
NSU College of Nursing
Assignments and Activities Schedule

Grading Rubric for Assignment 2

Total possible points: 30

7    6    4    3    2    0
Assignment Information    Assignment  is
focused, and
includes all assignment criteria     Assignment is clear and maintains focus throughout. Minor lapses in focus or relevancy to assignment criteria     Assignment is generally clear, explicitly stated, but has several  lapses in focus and  relevancy to assignment criteria     Assignment  loses focus or has major lapses in relevancy to assignment criteria
Assignment is unclear or confusing. Minimally meets assignment criteria

Does not meet assignment criteria

7    6    4    3    2    0
Quality of Information    Discussion is developed and demonstrates depth of understanding of the elements.  No lapses in logical progression of information.     There are minor lapses in either the development of the discussion or understanding of the elements.  No lapses in logical progression of information.
There are minor lapses in both the development of the discussion and understanding of the elements. No lapses in logical progression of information
There are major lapses in either the development of the discussion or understanding of the elements. Minimal lapses in logical progression of information.
There are major lapses in both the development of the discussion and an understanding of the elements. Major lapses in logical progression of information.

Does not meet assignment criteria
6    5    4    3    2    0
Quality of Writing    Information is very organized with well-constructed paragraphs and subheadings. Skillful use of precise and purposeful  vocabulary. Skillful use of sentence fluency.
Information from references is paraphrased.
Minor lapses in either organization or paragraph construction. Vocabulary is precise and purposeful.   Minor lapses in sentence fluency. Majority of information from references is paraphrased. Direct quotes are used sparingly.     Minor lapses in both organization and paragraph construction. Minor lapses in sentence fluency. Majority of information from references is paraphrased. Some use of direct quotes.    Major lapses in either organization or paragraph construction. Major lapses in sentence fluency. Information from references is paraphrased and direct quotes are used in equal proportion.     Major lapses in both organization and paragraph construction. Many grammatical, spelling, and formatting errors. Minimal use of sentence fluency.  Majority of information from references is quoted directly with minimal use of paraphrasing.     Incomplete or Illegible. Majority of information from references is direct quotes.

5    4    3    2    1    0
Sources    All references are from relevant peer-reviewed sources, within a 5 year time frame or are classic sources.
The majority of references is from relevant peer-reviewed sources, within a 5 year time frame or are classic sources.      Some references are from non peer-reviewed sources or are older than 5 years.       Majority of references is from non peer-reviewed sources or are older than 5 years.     Minimal use of peer-reviewed sources. Majority of references are   older than 5 years, or course textbooks. Major lapses in citation of references using APA format     No use of sources

5    4    3    2    1    0
Skillful and proficient use of APA formatting of text. References are cited correctly using APA  format    Minimal problems with APA formatting of text or minor lapses in citation of references using APA format    There are minor lapses in APA formatting of text  and  citation of references using APA format    There are major problems with APA formatting of text  or major lapses in citation of references using APA format    There are major lapses in APA formatting of text  and  citation of references using APA format    No use of APA formatting or reference citation

201530/NSG 5111 Evidence and Practice2015/012915
NSU College of Nursing
Assignments and Activities Schedule

Assignment 3: Evaluate the Evidence (20 points)

Using a two-step process, the purpose of the assignment is to:
•    Evaluate and synthesize the results from three (3) studies retrieved during the literature review in assignment 2. The studies must be within the discipline of nursing (not medicine).

•    Complete the evaluation table on page 520 of the Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt text or the accompanying CD for each study. The prompts in the text are examples only.
•    Using the rating system in box 1.3 on page 12 of the Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt text (i.e. page numbers may vary depending on the book edition – 2nd or 3rd), determine the strength of each of the three (3) studies. Add this information under the Citation column in the evaluation table template.
•    Full citations must be in APA 6th format.
•    A title and reference page is required.
•    Submit the evaluation table along with the title and reference page to the assignment drop box.  The assignment will not be submitted through turnitin.

The assignment is due according to the date posted in the Activities and Assignments guide. Assignments turned in late without previous approval or notification will receive a 10 point deduction for every day the assignment is late. See rubric for the assignment.

Name the assignment as follows: NSG 5111_assign3_your last name, first initial

Grading Rubric for Assignment 3

Total possible points: 20


10    8    6    4    2    0
Assignment Information    Assignment  is
explicit, focused, and
includes all assignment criteria     Assignment is clear and maintains focus throughout. Minor lapses in focus or relevancy to assignment criteria     Assignment is generally clear, explicitly stated, but has several  lapses in focus and  relevancy to assignment criteria     Assignment  loses focus or has major lapses in relevancy to assignment criteria
Assignment is unclear or confusing. Minimally meets assignment criteria

Does not meet assignment criteria

9    7    5    3    1    0
Quality of Information    Discussion is developed and demonstrates depth of understanding of the article element.  No lapses in logical progression of information.     There are minor lapses in either the development of the discussion or understanding of the article elements.  No lapses in logical progression of information.
There are minor lapses in both the development of the discussion and understanding of the article elements. No lapses in logical progression of information
There are major lapses in either the development of the discussion or understanding of the article elements. Minimal lapses in logical progression of information.
There are major lapses in both the development of the discussion and an understanding of the article elements. Major lapses in logical progression of information.

Does not meet assignment criteria
1    0
Title and reference page
References are cited correctly using APA
format    References are cited incorrectly

201530/NSG 5111 Evidence and Practice2015/012915
NSU College of Nursing
Assignments and Activities Schedule

Assignment 4: Disseminate the Evidence (25 points)

Assist students to develop skills to disseminate research findings via a PowerPoint Presentation

•    Using the clinical practice based problem/topic identified in assignments 2 & 3, construct a PowerPoint presentation on how you would implement and evaluate the new evidence-based intervention/guideline. The clinical practice based problem/topic is required. The studies must be within the discipline of nursing (not medicine).
•    Your audience will be fellow colleagues within your practice setting
•    You have 12 minutes to present 10 slides to the audience. Your position should be that you are presenting a proposal to implement a new evidence-based intervention/guideline in your practice setting with the hope of securing approval.

Construct your PowerPoint slides, using Microsoft PowerPoint software, according to this outline. Record the presentation in Elluminate and be sure to upload a copy of the presentation to the assignment drop box.  The slide presentation must be limited to 10 slides and not exceed 12 minutes. After you have recorded the audio, review your presentation to be certain the audio is optimal quality.  No exceptions for poor quality audio may be attributed to technological deficits.

Guidelines: The PPT slides should be labeled as follows and your presentation content must include:
1.    Title slide
2.    The Problem:  A complete description of the problem that you have identified and the need within the organization.  Convince the audience that this is a problem that requires attention.
3.    Review of the Literature:  Summarize the studies that you reviewed. Convince the audience that you have been diligent and thorough in your search for the best evidence available on the clinical practice based problem/topic.
4.    PICOT Question: Explain each section of the PICOT question to the audience.
5.    Intervention: Describe the new evidence-based intervention/guideline that you believe to be based on the most current, up to date evidence.
6.    Implementation: Discuss how you will implement the new evidence-based intervention/guideline, including a time line.
7.    Evaluation: Describe how you will evaluate the guideline. Include a time line.
8.    Closing:  End with a brief overview. Detail the implications for practice focusing on your own area and your expectations for results if you were to implement the intervention.
9.    Selected references in APA format. Use two slides so as not to overcrowd the references.

The assignment is due according to the date posted in the Activities and Assignments guide. Assignments turned in late without previous approval or notification will receive a 10 point deduction for every day the assignment is late. See rubric for the assignment.

Information     Assignment is explicit, focused, and includes all assignment criteria     Assignment is clear and maintains focus throughout.  Minor lapses in focus or relevance to assignment criteria     Assignment is generally clear, explicitly stated, but has several lapses in focus and relevancy to assignment criteria.    Assignment loses focus or has major lapses in relevancy to assignment criteria     Assignment is unclear or confusing.  Minimally meets assignment criteria    Does not meet assignment criteria
10    8    6    4    2    0
Quality of Information     Discussion is developed and is clearly supported by the literature.  No lapses in logical progression of information.  Contains specific well developed information.  It includes several supporting details and/or examples.    There are minor lapses in either the development of the discussion or in the support by the literature.  No lapses in logical progression of information.  It includes some supporting details and/or examples.     There are minor lapses in both the development of the discussion and in the support by the literature.  It includes some supporting details and/or examples.     There are major lapses in either the development of the discussion or in the support by the literature.  No lapses in logical progression of information.  It includes minimal supporting details and/or examples    There are major lapses in both the development of the discussion and in the support by the literature.  No lapses in logical progression of information.  It includes minimal supporting details and/or examples.    Discussion of information lacks organization
5    4    3    2    1    0
Presentation     All slides are prepared following the Guidelines for PPT* and audio is excellent** Presenter does not exceed slide or time limit    All slides follow the Guidelines for PPT*, audio is very good but the presenter reads the slides to the audience. Presenter does not exceed slide or time limit    One slide does not follow the Guidelines for PPT* and/or audio quality is difficult to understand.
Presenter does not exceed slide or time limit    A few slides do not follow the Guidelines PPT* and/or audio quality is difficult to understand.
Presenter does not exceed slide or time limit    Most slides do not follow the Guidelines for PPT* and/or audio quality is difficult to understand.
Presenter does not exceed slide or time limit    The slides do not follow the Guidelines for PPT* and/or the audio is inaudible.

Reference slide    Correct APA format -1    Incorrect APA format -0