computers and humans /CGS2100 Semester Project: Computers and Humans.
Initially, computer invention focused on complementing and replacing human functions. Computers required many components to imitate these functions. This project requires you to create a research paper that explores each of these initial challenges of computer invention. While there is no page requirement for this project, most papers that adequately cover all topics and requirements are 4 to 5 pages in length (double-spaced text).
? In order to replace human senses, computers needed input devices for perception and data entry.
o What is still missing – what can still be accomplished to improve this area?
o What do you consider a huge achievement?
? In order to be able to store data and process it like a human brain, computers needed processors and memory.
o What is still missing – what can still be accomplished to improve this area?
o What do you consider a huge achievement?
? In order to replace the human nervous system and be able to perform, computers needed software.
o What is still missing – what can still be accomplished to improve this area?
o What do you consider a huge achievement?
? In order to replace human hands, feet, etc., computers needed output devices.
o What is still missing – what can still be accomplished to improve this area?
o What do you consider a huge achievement?
? In order to be able to permanently store data and information, computers needed storage devices.
o What is still missing – what can still be accomplished to improve this area?
o What do you consider a huge achievement?
? In order to communicate with other computers, computers needed to be able to network and form an electronic community and electronic society.
o What is still missing – what can still be accomplished to improve this area?
o What do you consider a huge achievement?
In addition, include the following information in your paper:
1. Insert a table that compares human and computer advantages in each area.
a. Use MS Word 2013 to create the paper, and use MS Excel 2013 to create the table. Copy the table from Excel 2013 and paste it into the Word document. Do not insert your table as an image.
2. Can a computer completely replace a human?
3. Include your opinion about the project and interesting information that you discovered
In order to receive credit, you must include a list of all references used to write the paper using the built-in features available in Word. Using APA documentation style, appropriately create parenthetical (in-text) citations and insert a reference page.
Component Percentage
Content – Research 60%
Style and formatting – APA citations, references using Word 20%
Excel Table 10%
Appropriate / credible references 10%
* If the assignment submission is off topic, you will receive a 0 for this assignment.
Submission Guidelines
It is important for students to pay close attention to the submission guidelines in order to receive full credit for this assignment.
• This project must be received by your lab instructor by 11:59 p.m. on the posted due date.
• No late assignments will be accepted for any reason.
• This project must be completed in Office 2013 format to receive credit.
• Save the file as CGS2100.LabSection.SemesterProject.FirstNameLastName.docx
(where LabSection should be replaced with your four digit lab section number, and LastNameFirstName should be replaced with your last and first name)
• Close the file after saving it. Otherwise the file will not attach properly to the email message.
• Sign in to your Knights email account
• Compose a new message to your Lab Instructor (not your Lecture Instructor)
• Put your full name, lab section, and “Semester Project” in the subject of the email message as well as the body of the email message. Your Lab Instructor may have additional specifications for submitting assignments.
• Send the email message, with attachment, to your Lab Instructor.
• After sending the email message, check your Sent Mail folder to make sure the assignment was sent to the correct address, with the correct subject and body, and with the assignment attached properly.
Good luck!